Stimulant Treatment

Caution is advised. If you choose to drink, it's recommended to limit alcohol consumption to one to two drinks, preferably after the stimulant's effects have subsided. This is especially important if you take your stimulant in the morning. Alcohol can interact with stimulants, potentially altering their effects.

Yes. Common side effects include dry mouth, insomnia, irritability, reduced appetite, weight loss, and headaches. There are also more severe potential side effects, such as psychosis, cardiovascular issues, priapism (a prolonged and painful erection), and a risk of misuse or addiction.

Stimulant medications have shown to offer symptomatic improvement in areas like attention and on-task behaviors. They can also enhance daily functioning, including vocational and interpersonal performance. Additionally, for those with ADHD, these medications can decrease the risk of motor vehicle collisions.

Treatment typically starts with a low dose. This dose is then increased weekly, with close monitoring of the clinical response and any potential side effects. The exact dosage and adjustment process will vary depending on the specific medication and individual needs.

Before initiating treatment, it's crucial to review your cardiovascular history, including any history of chest pain, palpitations, or other related conditions. Blood pressure and pulse will be measured, and if there's a cardiac history or symptoms, an electrocardiogram (ECG) might be necessary.

Yes, studies suggest that long-acting stimulants might be less prone to abuse or diversion compared to their short-acting counterparts.

Your choice should consider several factors, including your personal preference, the desired duration of the drug's effect, concerns about potential misuse, the cost of the medication, and its availability. Some individuals prefer the targeted effect of short-acting drugs during specific times, like during work or school hours. In contrast, others appreciate the convenience of the all-day or most-of-the-day coverage provided by long-acting stimulants.

Both types are effective for treating ADHD. However, some data suggests that amphetamines might slightly outperform methylphenidate in reducing core ADHD symptoms. But it's worth noting that amphetamines might come with a higher risk of adverse events.

Methylphenidate stimulants come in various forms. They can be short-acting (lasting 3 to 5 hours), intermediate-acting (lasting 4 to 8 hours), or long-acting (lasting 8 hours or more). Additionally, there's a patch version available, which should be applied about two hours before you want it to start working due to its delayed onset.

Certainly. Amphetamines encompass drugs like dextroamphetamine and lisdexamfetamine. They can be either short-acting or long-acting. Their onset of action usually falls between 20 to 60 minutes. The immediate-release versions can last up to 6 hours, while the extended-release versions can last between 10 to 12 hours.

Which type of stimulant is often preferred for treatment?

There are two main categories: Amphetamines and Methylphenidate.
Non-Stimulant Treatment

We do not address thelapha-2 adrenergic agonists in this section. They are a class of non-stimulant medication that includes clonidine and guanfacine. Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists have been found to be efficacious for children and adolescents, particularly for impulsivity and hyperactivity. Based on small clinical trials, these medications have not shown significant efficacy in reducing ADHD symptoms in adults compared to placebo.

The onset of effects can vary. For Bupropion, clinical effects might take several weeks to appear. For Atomoxetine and Viloxazine, adjustments in dosage based on response and tolerance are typical, and it might take some time to find the optimal dose.

Yes, like all medications, nonstimulants come with potential side effects. For Atomoxetine, side effects can include dry mouth, insomnia, and potential cardiovascular effects. Viloxazine can cause insomnia, fatigue, and irritability. Bupropion might increase the risk of seizures, and TCAs can have cardiovascular effects and be lethal in overdose. It's essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to monitor for any adverse effects.

While nonstimulant treatments are effective, indirect comparisons from clinical trials suggest that stimulant medications might offer more substantial symptom reduction. However, nonstimulants can be a good choice for those who don't respond well to stimulants or have specific co-occurring conditions.

TCAs, like nortriptyline, can be effective for adult ADHD. However, they might be less potent than stimulants and can have more side effects. Dosing isn't well-established, but starting at a low dose and increasing gradually is typical. It's essential to monitor for potential cardiovascular effects and be aware that TCAs can be lethal in overdose.

Bupropion is effective for adults with ADHD, but its effects might take several weeks to manifest. Treatment often starts with sustained-release bupropion at 100 mg in the morning and can be adjusted based on response and tolerance. Side effects include dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, and a potential increased risk of seizures.

Bupropion, an atypical antidepressant, and nortriptyline, a TCA, have shown efficacy in treating adult ADHD. They are especially useful for those who haven't responded to other treatments or those with co-occurring conditions like depression.

Viloxazine is another nonstimulant medication that inhibits norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake. Treatment usually starts at 200 mg daily for adults and can be increased weekly. Side effects to watch out for include insomnia, fatigue, irritability, and potential cardiovascular effects.

Certainly. Atomoxetine is an effective treatment for adult ADHD with minimal abuse potential. Treatment typically starts at 40 mg daily and can be increased based on tolerance and efficacy. Common side effects include dry mouth, insomnia, nausea, decreased libido, and others. It's also important to note that Atomoxetine can produce QTc prolongation in some individuals.

These medications inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine. While they are effective for adult ADHD, clinical trials suggest that stimulant medications might be more potent.

What are the primary nonstimulant medications used for adult ADHD?
Epidemiology of ADHD

Yes, ADHD has been linked with somatic conditions such as dermatitis, obesity, asthma, and rhinitis in children and adolescents. In adults, there's an association with type 2 diabetes and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

In children, ADHD is often comorbid with conduct disorder, major depressive disorder, and anxiety disorders. In adults, common comorbidities include anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and substance use disorder.

Yes, ADHD is frequently comorbid with other psychiatric conditions. Up to 70-80% of individuals with ADHD may have another psychiatric condition during their lifetime.

These disparities are not due to actual differences in prevalence but are likely explained by differences in access to care or cultural factors affecting the diagnostic process.

Yes, ADHD is often under-identified in Black and Latin youth. In Europe, immigrants are less likely to be diagnosed compared to non-immigrants. However, recent data suggest that the racial gap in ADHD diagnosis may be narrowing.

Several factors contribute to this change, including later recognition of ADHD in females, less emphasis on hyperactivity in adult diagnoses, and women being more likely to seek professional mental health help than men.

Yes, in youth, the male-to-female ratio is 2.4 to 1 in the general population. This ratio can be higher in clinics due to boys being more disruptive, making them more likely to be referred. The ratio narrows in adulthood, with figures ranging from 1.9:1 to as low as 1.1:1 in some studies.

The prevalence of ADHD in adults is around 2.5%, which gradually decreases to 1% in older age groups.

Yes, symptom severity generally declines during adolescence. However, two-thirds of children with ADHD continue to experience impairing symptoms into adulthood, either at clinical or subthreshold levels.

The peak age of ADHD onset is 9.5 years, with a median age of 12 years. By the age of 14, 56.8% of affected individuals have been diagnosed.

The prevalence of ADHD in school-aged children is 5.3%. This rate is consistent across different geographic regions.
Genetics of ADHD

While there's hope, the current polygenic score for ADHD is not precise enough for use as a diagnostic tool in clinical practice.

The largest GWAS of ADHD reported 27 genome-wide significant loci implicating 76 genes, many of which are active during early brain development.

GWAS have corroborated findings from twin and family data, indicating a strong genetic link between clinically diagnosed ADHD and ADHD symptoms in the population.

Yes, the comorbidity of ADHD with disorders like anxiety, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and others is largely mediated by shared genetics.

Yes, twin and family studies support the dimensional nature of ADHD, indicating that the same genetic factors influence both the diagnosis and varying symptom levels.

Genetics contributes substantially to ADHD, with a heritability of approximately 80%.
Environmental Correlates of ADHD

Some proposed mechanisms include social acceptance, positive parenting, and self-perceptions of competence.

While many studies have suggested a link, some research, like sibling-control studies, indicates that the association might be confounded by other factors.

Children in lower SES families are twice as likely to have ADHD. However, both SES and ADHD have a genetic basis and are genetically correlated.

Unlike genes, environmental factors are difficult to measure accurately, and their associations with ADHD may be influenced by unmeasured third variables.
What is known about Brain Changes in ADHD?

While long-term medication use doesn't seem to be associated with ADHD-related brain structure differences, it has been linked to improved function in certain brain regions during cognitive tasks.

Yes, they suggest a maturational delay in childhood ADHD in certain brain regions and networks, supporting the view that ADHD represents an extreme end of a continuum of immature brain development.

It's proposed that attentional lapses in ADHD might be due to interference of the default mode network (DMN) into networks involved in attention and cognitive control.

MRI studies have found smaller total cortical surface areas in late developing cortical association areas and smaller intracranial, basal ganglia, and limbic volumes.

These studies have found differences in event-related potentials and a higher theta-beta ratio in some ADHD subgroups, which relates to inattention.
What Medicines Treat ADHD?

Current evidence does not suggest significant adverse consequences for mother or offspring, but the decision should be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

There are no specific indications. However, reassessing the effectiveness of the treatment at least once each year is recommended.

Currently, there are no clinical or biological predictors of response. Finding the best medication often relies on trial-and-error.

Due to their high efficacy, stimulants are generally recommended as the first choice. The specific choice between methylphenidate and amphetamines varies based on guidelines and individual response.

Not all. While some medications in each stimulant class are approved for both children and adults, others like clonidine ER and guanfacine ER are only approved for children in the US.

Medications approved include stimulants (like methylphenidate and amphetamine formulations) and non-stimulants (such as noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors and alpha-2 adrenergic agonists).

Some guidelines consider pharmacotherapy as the first line treatment, while others recommend using medications alongside behavior therapy.
What Other Treatments Help Relieve ADHD Symptoms?

DHIs leverage technology platforms to provide therapeutic game-based products and tracking tools. They are scalable, offer high fidelity, and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. However, their efficacy varies, and more research is needed.

Neurotherapeutic treatments like EEG-Neurofeedback, TMS, tDCS, and TNS have been studied for ADHD. Their effectiveness varies, and more research is needed to determine their optimal use.

. Are dietary interventions effective for ADHD?

CBT has been shown to benefit medication-treated adults with persistent ADHD symptoms, improving ADHD symptoms, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and emotional regulation.

Behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapies delivered in clinics or schools are the primary treatments, often involving parents and modifying behaviors based on social learning principles.

They are used when symptoms do not respond to medication, when there are contraindications or preferences against stimulants, or as supplementary treatments.
ADHD and Quality of Life

A meta-analysis found that discontinuing medication could reduce the quality of life of youth with ADHD

A randomized controlled trial showed that combining methylphenidate with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or supportive counseling provided stable and long-term benefits in quality of life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy alone also has a substantial effect on quality of life.

Medications can lead to improvements in many functional outcomes, including reducing the risk of accidents, substance use, and achieving higher educational levels.

Yes, pharmacological treatments have been shown to improve quality of life in both children and adults with ADHD. They can reduce risks associated with ADHD, such as motor vehicle crashes, substance use, and more.

Comorbid disorders, especially symptoms of anxiety and depression, have a strong impact on the quality of life of adults with persistent ADHD.

While the severity of adult ADHD affects quality of life, other significant factors include inattention, depressive symptoms, emotional dysregulation, and adverse childhood experiences.

Several instruments measure quality of life in adults, including general measures like the 36-item Short Form Health Survey and the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire, and ADHD-specific measures like the Adult ADHD Quality of Life.

Psychosocial domains and dysfunctional cognitive beliefs are commonly affected in adults with ADHD.

In adults, ADHD can impair work functioning, the quality of relationships, financial stability, and parenting skills. It also increases the risk for accidents, cardiometabolic diseases, and premature death.

In youth, ADHD can lead to educational and occupational failure, conflicts with peers, social exclusion, conflicts within the family, teenage pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. It particularly affects psychosocial, school, and emotional functioning. Treatment with ADHD improves quality of life.