Meta-analysis Finds Strong Link Between Parental and Offspring ADHD

A large international research team has just released a detailed analysis of studies looking at the connection between parents' mental health conditions and their children's mental health, particularly focusing on ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This analysis, called a meta-analysis, involved carefully examining previous studies on the subject. By September 2022, they had found 211 studies, involving more than 23 million people, that could be combined for their analysis.

Most of the studies focused on mental disorders other than ADHD. However, when they specifically looked at ADHD, they found five studies with over 6.7 million participants. These studies showed that children of parents with ADHD were more than eight times as likely to have ADHD compared to children whose parents did not have ADHD. The likelihood of this result happening by chance was extremely low, meaning the connection between parental ADHD and child ADHD is strong.

Understanding the Numbers: How Likely Is It for a Child to Have ADHD?

The researchers wanted to figure out how common ADHD is among children of parents both with and without ADHD. To do this, they first analyzed 65 studies with about 2.9 million participants, focusing on children whose parents did not have ADHD. They found that around 3% of these children had ADHD.

Next, they analyzed five studies with over 44,000 cases where the parents did have ADHD. In this group, they found that 32% of the children also had ADHD, meaning about one in three. This is a significant difference—children of parents with ADHD are about ten times more likely to have the condition than children whose parents who do not have ADHD.

How Does This Compare to Other Mental Disorders in Parents?

The researchers also wanted to see if other mental health issues in parents, besides ADHD, were linked to ADHD in their children. They analyzed four studies involving 1.5 million participants and found that if a parent had any mental health disorder (like anxiety, depression, or substance use issues), the child’s chances of having ADHD increased by 80%. However, this is far less than the 840% increase seen in children whose parents specifically had ADHD. In other words, ADHD is much more likely to be passed down in families compared to other mental disorders.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Research

The study had a lot of strengths, mainly due to the large number of participants involved, which helps make the findings more reliable. However, there were also some limitations:

  • The researchers did not look into "publication bias," which means they didn’t check whether only certain types of studies were included (those showing stronger results, for example), which could make the findings seem more extreme.
  • The team reported that differences between the studies were measured, but they didn’t explain clearly how these differences affected the results.
  • Most concerning, the researchers admitted that 96% of the studies they included had a "high risk of bias," meaning that many of the studies might not have been entirely reliable.


Despite these limitations, the research team concluded that their analysis provides strong evidence that children of parents with ADHD or other serious mental health disorders are at a higher risk of developing mental disorders themselves. While more research is needed to fill in the gaps, the findings suggest that it would be wise to carefully monitor the mental health of children whose parents have these conditions to provide support and early intervention if needed

Rudolf Uher, Barbara Pavlova, Joaquim Radua, Umberto Provenzani, Sara Najafi, Lydia Fortea, Maria Ortuño, Anna Nazarova, Nader Perroud, Lena Palaniyappan, Katharina Domschke, Samuele Cortese, Paul D Arnold, Jehannine C Austin, Michael M Vanyukov, Myrna M Weissman, Allan H Young, Manon H J Hillegers, Andrea Danese, Merete Nordentoft, Robin M Murray, and Paolo Fusar-Poli, “Transdiagnostic risk of mental disorders in offspring of affected parents: a meta-analysis of family high-risk and registry studies,” World Psychiatry (2023) 22(3): 433-448,

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CDC: ADHD Diagnosis, Treatment, and Telehealth Use in Adults

The report "Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis, Treatment, and Telehealth Use in Adults" published in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report provides a detailed examination of the prevalence and treatment of ADHD among U.S. adults based on data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics Rapid Surveys System during October–November 2023. This data is crucial as it offers updated estimates on the prevalence of ADHD in adults, a condition often regarded as primarily affecting children, and highlights the ongoing challenges in accessing ADHD-related treatments, including telehealth services and medication availability.


The methods used in this study involved the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Rapid Surveys System (RSS), which gathers data to approximate the national representation of U.S. adults through two commercial survey panels: the AmeriSpeak Panel from NORC at the University of Chicago and Ipsos’s KnowledgePanel. The data were collected via online and telephone interviews from 7,046 adults. The responses were weighted to reflect the total U.S. adult population, ensuring that the results approximate national estimates. In identifying adults with current ADHD, respondents were asked if they had ever been diagnosed with ADHD and, if so, whether they currently had the condition. The study also collected data on treatment types (including stimulant and nonstimulant medications), telehealth use, and demographic variables such as age, education, race, and household income.


The results showed that approximately 6.0% of U.S. adults, or an estimated 15.5 million people, had a current ADHD diagnosis. Notably, more than half of the adults with ADHD reported receiving their diagnosis during adulthood (age ≥18 years), indicating that diagnosis can occur well beyond childhood. Analysis of demographics showed significant differences between adults with ADHD and those without; adults with ADHD were more likely to be younger, with 84.5% under the age of 50. Adults with ADHD were also less likely to have completed a bachelor's degree and more likely to have a household income below the federal poverty level compared to those without ADHD. Regarding treatment, the report found that approximately one-third of adults with ADHD were untreated, and around one-third received both medication and behavioral treatment. Among those receiving pharmacological treatment, 33.4% used stimulant medications, and 71.5% of these individuals reported difficulties in getting their prescriptions filled due to medication unavailability, reflecting recent stimulant shortages in the United States. Additionally, nearly half of adults with ADHD had used telehealth services for ADHD-related care, including obtaining prescriptions and receiving counseling or therapy.

The discussion emphasizes the public health implications of these findings. ADHD is often diagnosed late, with many individuals not receiving a diagnosis until adulthood, which underscores the need for improved awareness and early identification of ADHD symptoms across the life course. Moreover, the high prevalence of untreated ADHD and the barriers to accessing stimulant medications reveal significant gaps in the healthcare system's ability to support adults with ADHD. These gaps can contribute to poorer outcomes, such as increased risk of injury, substance use, and social impairment. The report also highlights the role of telehealth, which became more prominent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth appears to provide a viable solution for expanding access to ADHD diagnosis and treatment, though challenges remain regarding the quality of care and potential for misuse. The authors suggest that improved clinical care guidelines for adults with ADHD could help reduce delays in diagnosis and treatment access, thus improving long-term outcomes for affected individuals.


In conclusion, the study provides a comprehensive view of the prevalence, treatment, and telehealth use for ADHD among adults in the U.S.  These data are crucial for guiding clinical care and shaping policies related to medication access and telehealth services. The findings underscore the importance of ensuring an adequate supply of stimulant medications and reducing barriers to ADHD care, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for adults with this condition.   The good news is that many adults with ADHD are being diagnosed and treated.  It is, however, concerning that many are not treated and that many of those treated with stimulants were impacted by the stimulant shortage.

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October 14, 2024

News Tuesday Study! Understanding ADHD in Older Adults: An Overlooked Concern

60% to 90% of youth with ADHD continue to have symptoms as adults. In older adults, about 2.5% are believed to have ADHD, but it often goes unnoticed because research is limited and current diagnosis methods are based mostly on studies of young people.

Our commentary discusses key points about ADHD in older adults.  Although 2 to 3 percent of older adults have ADHD when using proper diagnostic tools, only 0.23% are diagnosed in medical records. This shows that ADHD is greatly underdiagnosed in older adults. Even worse, less than 40% of those who are diagnosed receive any treatment, which highlights the need for doctors to be better educated about ADHD in this age group. Current ways of diagnosing ADHD need to be improved for people over 50. Also, there isn’t much research on ADHD medications for people over 60, with most studies excluding them, which raises concerns about how safe and effective these treatments are for older adults, especially since stimulant medications can affect the heart.

There are also biases among doctors that make it harder to diagnose and treat ADHD in older adults. Many doctors aren’t trained to recognize ADHD in this age group and still see it as a condition that only affects young people. Some think that if a person hasn’t been treated for ADHD by this stage in life, they don’t need treatment now. But this ignores the fact that untreated ADHD can cause lifelong struggles and reduce the person’s quality of life. Some doctors are also worried about the risks of ADHD medications for older patients, even though research shows that these medications are usually safe when properly monitored.

Diagnosing ADHD in older adults can be tricky because its symptoms can look similar to other conditions, like mild cognitive impairment or dementia. This makes it important for doctors to do a thorough assessment that looks at medical, psychiatric, and psychological factors. Since older adults often have other health issues, it’s crucial for doctors to tell the difference between ADHD symptoms and those caused by other conditions.

In the end, we need more awareness, training, and research on ADHD in older adults. Doctors need to push past biases and consider the benefits of treating ADHD in this age group, carefully weighing the risks and rewards. As the population of older adults grows, so does the need for studies and guidelines to provide better care for older people with ADHD. Filling these gaps will ensure that older adults with ADHD get the attention and treatment they need.

October 8, 2024

Meta-analysis Finds Strong Link Between Parental and Offspring ADHD

A large international research team has just released a detailed analysis of studies looking at the connection between parents' mental health conditions and their children's mental health, particularly focusing on ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This analysis, called a meta-analysis, involved carefully examining previous studies on the subject. By September 2022, they had found 211 studies, involving more than 23 million people, that could be combined for their analysis.

Most of the studies focused on mental disorders other than ADHD. However, when they specifically looked at ADHD, they found five studies with over 6.7 million participants. These studies showed that children of parents with ADHD were more than eight times as likely to have ADHD compared to children whose parents did not have ADHD. The likelihood of this result happening by chance was extremely low, meaning the connection between parental ADHD and child ADHD is strong.

Understanding the Numbers: How Likely Is It for a Child to Have ADHD?

The researchers wanted to figure out how common ADHD is among children of parents both with and without ADHD. To do this, they first analyzed 65 studies with about 2.9 million participants, focusing on children whose parents did not have ADHD. They found that around 3% of these children had ADHD.

Next, they analyzed five studies with over 44,000 cases where the parents did have ADHD. In this group, they found that 32% of the children also had ADHD, meaning about one in three. This is a significant difference—children of parents with ADHD are about ten times more likely to have the condition than children whose parents who do not have ADHD.

How Does This Compare to Other Mental Disorders in Parents?

The researchers also wanted to see if other mental health issues in parents, besides ADHD, were linked to ADHD in their children. They analyzed four studies involving 1.5 million participants and found that if a parent had any mental health disorder (like anxiety, depression, or substance use issues), the child’s chances of having ADHD increased by 80%. However, this is far less than the 840% increase seen in children whose parents specifically had ADHD. In other words, ADHD is much more likely to be passed down in families compared to other mental disorders.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Research

The study had a lot of strengths, mainly due to the large number of participants involved, which helps make the findings more reliable. However, there were also some limitations:

  • The researchers did not look into "publication bias," which means they didn’t check whether only certain types of studies were included (those showing stronger results, for example), which could make the findings seem more extreme.
  • The team reported that differences between the studies were measured, but they didn’t explain clearly how these differences affected the results.
  • Most concerning, the researchers admitted that 96% of the studies they included had a "high risk of bias," meaning that many of the studies might not have been entirely reliable.


Despite these limitations, the research team concluded that their analysis provides strong evidence that children of parents with ADHD or other serious mental health disorders are at a higher risk of developing mental disorders themselves. While more research is needed to fill in the gaps, the findings suggest that it would be wise to carefully monitor the mental health of children whose parents have these conditions to provide support and early intervention if needed