National Birth Cohort Finds Young Adults with ADHD Over-represented in Criminal Justice System

Using Statistics New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI), a large database of linked de-identified administrative and survey data about people and households, a local study team examined a three-year birth cohort (mid-1992 through mid-1995) totaling 149,076 persons.

The team assessed the presence of ADHD within this cohort through diagnosis codes and inference from medication dispensing, where there was at least one code relating to an ADHD diagnosis in the medication datasets. This subgroup consisted of 3,975 persons.

Next, they related this information to criminal justice system interactions of increasing severity, starting with police proceedings, and continuing with court charges, court convictions, and incarcerations. These interactions were tracked during an eight-year period from participants’ 17th birthday through their 25th birthday.

In this same period the team also tracked types of offenses: against people; against property; against organizations, government, and community; and violent offenses.

In all cases, the study team adjusted for gender, ethnicity, deprivation, and area of residence as potential confounders. 

With these adjustments, young adults with ADHD were over twice as likely as their typically developing peers to be proceeded against by police, to be charged with an offense, and to be convicted. They were almost five times as likely to be incarcerated. 

With the same adjustments, young adults with ADHD were over twice as likely as their typically developing peers to be convicted of offenses against organizations, government, and community. They were almost three times as likely to be convicted of crimes against persons, and over three and a half times more likely to be convicted of either violent offenses or offenses against property.

The authors noted, “The greater effect size for incarceration observed in our study may be due to the lack of control for comorbid conditions such as CD [conduct disorder], which are known criminogenic risk factors.” 

They also noted, “The sharp increase in the risk of incarceration observed may also signal differences in the NZ justice system’s approach to ADHD, which may be less responsive to the condition than other nations, particularly the steps in the justice system between conviction and sentence. This would suggest that the UNCRPD [United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities] obligations of equal recognition before the law and the elimination of discrimination on the basis of disability are not being met for individuals with ADHD in NZ.”

They concluded, “Our findings revealed that not only were individuals with ADHD overrepresented at all stages of the CJS [criminal justice system] and offense types examined, there was also a pattern of increasing risk for CJS interactions as these individuals moved through the system. These results highlight the importance of early identification and responsivity to ADHD within the CJS and suggest that the NZ justice system may require changes to both of these areas to ensure that young individuals with ADHD receive equitable access to, and treatment within, the CJS.”

Francesca Anns, Stephanie D’Souza, Conrad MacCormick, Brigit Mirfin-Veitch, Betony Clasby, Nathan Hughes, Warren Forster, Eden Tuisaula, and Nicholas Bowden, “Risk of Criminal Justice System Interactions in Young Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Findings From a National Birth Cohort,” Journal of Attention Disorders (2023), 1-11,

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Nationwide population study in Denmark finds children and adolescents with ADHD more than twice as likely to suffer criminal violence

Denmark Population Study Finds Children and Adolescents with ADHD More than Likely to Suffer Criminal Violence

Children with disabilities are known to be at heightened risk of violence compared to their non-disabled peers. To what extent does this hold true for ADHD?

Denmark has a single-payer health insurance system through which health data about virtually the entire population can be cross-referenced with population, crime, welfare, and other registers through unique individual person numbers.

A Danish study team accessed national registers to examine the relationship between ADHD and criminal victimhood among nine yearly birth cohorts totaling more than 570,000 children and adolescents. 

Of these, 557,521, among them 12,040 with ADHD, were not reported as being exposed to violence, and 12,830, among which 1,179 with ADHD, were exposed to violence.

From the raw data, children and adolescents with ADHD were more than four times as likely to be exposed to violence than their typically developing peers.

The team then adjusted for other disabilities, family risk factors, gender, birth year, and ethnic background.

With these confounders out of the way, children and adolescents with ADHD remained more than twice as likely to be exposed to violence than their typically developing peers.

To place this outcome in further perspective:

  • Brain injuries increased the odds of being exposed to violence by over 75% relative to typically developing peers.
  • Physical and speech disabilities raised the odds by a bit over 35%.
  • Intellectual and sensory disabilities, dyslexia, and congenital malformations had no effect. 
  • Epilepsy reduced the odds of being exposed to violence by just under 20%, and autistic spectrum disorder by just over 25%.

Certain family risk factors further aggravated the odds:

  • Violence in the family by more than 2.5-fold.
  • Out-of-home care and breakup of parental relationship by more than 75%.

Perhaps surprisingly, substance abuse by family members had no effect whatsoever after adjusting for confounders.

January 24, 2024

Nationwide population study suggests ADHD medication may reduce child abuse

Nationwide Population Study Suggests ADHD Medication May Reduce Child Abuse

Child abuse includes any of the following inflicted on a minor under 18 years old: physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or neglect.

It is known to be associated with environmental factors such as poverty, parents or neighbors with a history of violence, and gender inequality.

Chronic mental disorders in minors are also associated with child abuse. To what extent, if any, might that be true of ADHD?

Taiwan has a single-payer national health insurance system that covers more than 99.6% of all residents, enabling nationwide population studies.

A local research team used data from almost two million Taiwanese in their country’s National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) spanning 15 years (2000-2015) to carry out a matched-cohort study. 

All diagnoses of ADHD were made by board-certified specialists such as psychiatrists, pediatricians, neurologists, or physiatrists with a specialty in child and adolescent development.

3,540 children and adolescents between 6 and 18 years old with a diagnosis of ADHD were matched on a one-to-three basis with 10,620 peers from the NHIRD without an ADHD diagnosis.

The team adjusted for age, gender, location of residence (Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern Taiwan), urbanization level of residence, level of hospitals as medical centers, and monthly insured premium. They further adjusted for comorbid conditions: intellectual disability, autistic disorder/pervasive developmental disorder, conduct disorder (CD)/oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), other developmental disorders, childhood emotional disorder, Tourette syndrome/tics disorders, and involuntary urination and defecation.

Overall, children and adolescents with an ADHD diagnosis were 1.8 times as likely to be abused as those without an ADHD diagnosis.

Unmedicated children and adolescents with an ADHD diagnosis were three times more likely to be abused. ADHD medication cut that risk in half.

That held true whether the medication used was methylphenidate or atomoxetine. Methylphenidate appeared to be slightly more effective than atomoxetine, and the combination of methylphenidate and atomoxetine slightly more effective yet, but these differences were not statistically significant.

The team concluded, “The results support that pharmacotherapy may attenuate the risk of child abuse in ADHD patients.”

March 5, 2024

Assessing Co-occuring Disorders in Relatives of Those With ADHD

Taiwan Population Study Assesses Comorbidity of Psychiatric Disorders among First-degree Relatives of Those with ADHD

Taiwan's National Health Insurance program is a single-payer system that covers 99.6% of the island's 23 million residents. It includes family relationships.

This enabled a Taiwanese study team to examine the comorbidity of psychiatric disorders among close relatives in the entire population over eleven years, beginning at the start of 2001 and concluding at the end of2011.

For greater certainty of diagnosis, only persons twice diagnosed with the same psychiatric disorder were included as index individuals. There were 431,887 index patients, 152,443 of whom were ADHD index patients.

These index patients were then compared with all of their first-degree relatives (FDRs): parents, children, siblings, and twins. This produced 1,017,430 patient-FDR pairs, of which 401,301 were ADHD patient-FDR pairs.

Next, four controls were matched by age, gender, and type relative to each case, resulting in 4,069,720 control pairs.

After adjusting for age, gender, urbanization, and income level, ADHD patients were seven times more likely than controls to have first-degree relatives with ADHD. They were also seven times more likely to have FDRs with major depressive disorder, four times more likely to have FDRs with autism spectrum disorder, twice as likely to have FDRs with bipolar disorder, and 80%more likely to have FDRs with schizophrenia.

February 3, 2023

Population Study Finds No ADHD- or ASD- Related Benefits From Eating Organic Food During Pregnancy

Norwegian Nationwide Population Study Finds No ADHD- or ASD- Related Benefits From Eating Organic Food During Pregnancy


Organic farming aims to protect biodiversity, promote animal welfare, and avoid using pesticides and fertilizers made from petrochemicals. Some pesticides are designed to target insects’ nervous systems but can also affect brain development and health in larger animals, including humans.

Many people believe organic food is healthier than conventionally produced food, which might be true for certain foods and health factors. But does eating organic food during pregnancy impact the chances of a child developing ADHD or autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

In Norway, researchers can use detailed national health records to study these connections on a population-wide level, thanks to the country’s single-payer healthcare system and national registries.


The Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) invites parents to participate voluntarily and has a 41% participation rate. The study includes:

  • 114,500 children
  • 95,200 mothers
  • 75,200 fathers

For this research, a team tracked 40,707 mother-child pairs from children born between 2002 and 2009. They used questionnaires to measure how much organic food mothers consumed during pregnancy. ADHD and ASD symptoms in children were assessed using validated rating scales.

The final analysis included:

  • 40,586 pairs for ADHD symptoms
  • 40,117 pairs for ASD symptoms

The researchers adjusted for factors like maternal age, education, previous pregnancies, BMI before pregnancy, smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy, birth year and season, and the child’s sex.

Key Findings:
  • There was a weak connection between higher organic food consumption and fewer ADHD symptoms in children. However, this link disappeared when maternal ADHD symptoms were considered (31,411 pairs) or when the analysis was limited to siblings (5,534 pairs).
  • Similarly, weak associations between organic food and fewer ASD symptoms disappeared when focusing on siblings (4,367 pairs).

The researchers concluded that eating organic food during pregnancy has no meaningful effect on the likelihood of a child developing ADHD or ASD. They stated, “The results do not indicate any clinically significant protective or harmful effects of eating organic food during pregnancy on symptoms of ADHD and ASD in the offspring. Based on these findings, we do not recommend any specific advice regarding intake of organic food during pregnancy.”

January 27, 2025

Meta-analysis Finds Little or No Link Between Assisted Reproductive Technologies and ADHD


Infertility affects about one in six couples worldwide. To address this, medical experts have developed Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), including In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with or without Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

Some research suggests that children conceived through ART might have higher rates of intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, cancer, and neurological issues compared to children conceived naturally. However, studies looking at a possible link between ART and ADHD have produced mixed and conflicting results.

Until now, there hasn’t been a meta-analysis examining the connection between ART and ADHD. A South Korean research team has conducted the first systematic review and meta-analysis on this topic. Their final analysis included eight studies with a total of over ten million participants, comprising six cohort studies and two cross-sectional studies.


The research focused on two types of studies:

  1. Cohort Studies: These follow two groups (one exposed to ART and one not exposed) over time to see if a specific outcome, like ADHD, occurs.
  2. Cross-Sectional Studies: These compare the prevalence of ADHD at a single point in time between those exposed to ART and those who weren’t.

Both types of studies are observational, meaning they don’t involve controlled experiments and can be influenced by confounding factors.  So they can document interesting associations, not causality.  The studie were mostly large-scale national studies and used clinical ADHD diagnoses.

Key Findings:
  • Cohort Studies: Meta-analysis of six cohort studies, involving nearly 8 million participants, found no link between ART and ADHD. However, there was high variability (heterogeneity) in the results from individual studies.
  • Cross-Sectional Studies: Meta-analysis of two cross-sectional studies, covering over 2.3 million participants, also found no link between ART and ADHD. Heterogeneity was moderate.
  • Adjustment for Confounding: A separate analysis of three studies that adjusted for confounding factors (like socioeconomic status or parental health) involved more than 7.5 million participants. It found a very small association, with ART-conceived children being 8% more likely to develop ADHD. There was no variability among these studies.

The researchers concluded that while there may be a small association between ART and ADHD, the effect is minimal, and the results are influenced by differences in study designs. They advised interpreting these findings with caution, noting, “The limited effect size and inherent heterogeneity underscore the need for cautious interpretation.”

January 24, 2025

Taiwan nationwide population study documents link between ADHD and periodontitis in adolescents


Periodontitis, commonly known as gum disease, is a condition where the gums become inflamed. If untreated, it can cause the gums to pull back from the teeth, exposing their base, which may eventually lead to loose teeth or tooth loss. While this condition mostly affects adults, it’s also common among teens who don’t floss or brush their teeth properly.

Until now, only a few small studies have looked at a possible link between ADHD and gum disease. A team in Taiwan recently conducted a nationwide study to explore this connection.

Taiwan has a universal health insurance program, introduced in 1995, that provides medical care to nearly all (99.7%) residents. The Taiwan National Health Research Database collects and oversees all insurance claims, making it an excellent resource for large-scale studies.


The researchers used the database to identify teens aged 12 to 19 with ADHD (diagnosed by a psychiatrist) who had no history of gum disease between 2001 and 2011. These teens made up the ADHD group. They matched each ADHD participant with four teens who didn’t have ADHD or gum disease, creating a control group. The groups were matched by age, gender, enrollment date, family income, place of residence, and other health conditions (like obesity, diabetes, smoking, depression, and substance use).

All diagnoses of gum disease were confirmed by board-certified dentists.

The study included:

  • 16,211 teens with ADHD
  • 162,110 matched controls
Key Findings:
  • Teens with ADHD were 2.3 times more likely to develop gum disease than those in the control group without ADHD.
  • There were no significant differences between boys and girls or among teens from different income levels (low, medium, or high).
  • ADHD medications, mainly methylphenidate, didn’t affect the likelihood of developing gum disease. This was true for both short-term and long-term users compared to non-users.

The researchers concluded that teens with ADHD have a higher risk of developing gum disease later on, even after accounting for other risk factors like smoking, diabetes, and depression. They stated, “ADHD is an independent risk factor for developing periodontitis.”

January 23, 2025