March 7, 2025

Updated Analysis of ADHD Prevalence in The United States

The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is conducted annually by the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The NHIS is done primarily through face-to-face computer-assisted interviews in the homes of respondents. But telephone interviews are substituted on request, or where travel distances make in-home visits impractical.  

For each interviewed family, only one sample child is randomly selected by a computer program.  

The total number of households with a child or adolescent aged 3-17 for the years 2018 through 2021 was 26,422. 

Based on responses from family members, 9.5% of the children and adolescents randomly surveyed throughout the United States had ADHD.  

This proportion varied significantly based on age, rising from 1.5% for ages 3-5 to 9.6% for ages 6-11 and to 13.4% for ages 12-17. 

There was an almost two-to-one gap between the 12.4% prevalence among males and the 6.6% prevalence among females. 

There was significant variation by race/ethnicity. While rates among non-Hispanic whites (11.1%) and non-Hispanic blacks (10.5%) did not differ significantly, these two groups differed significantly from Hispanics (7.2%) and Others (6.6%). 

There were no significant variations in ADHD prevalence based on highest education level of family members. 

But family income had a significant relationship with ADHD prevalence, especially at lower incomes. For family incomes under the poverty line, the prevalence was 12.7%. That dropped to 10.3% for family incomes above the poverty level but less than twice that level. For all others it dropped further to about 8.5%. Although that might seem like poverty causes ADHD, we cannot draw that conclusion.  Other data indicate that adults with ADHD have lower incomes.  That would lead to more ADHD in kids from lower income families.

There was also significant geographic variation in reported prevalence rates. It was highest in the South, at 11.3%, then the Midwest at 10%, the Northeast at 9.1%, with a jump down to 6.9% in the West. 

Overall ADHD prevalence did not vary significantly by year over the four years covered by this study. 

Study Conclusion:

This study highlights a consistently high prevalence of developmental disabilities among U.S. children and adolescents, with notable increases in other developmental delays and co-occurring learning and intellectual disabilities from 2018 to 2021. While the overall prevalence remained stable, these findings emphasize the need for continued research into potential risk factors and targeted interventions to address developmental challenges in youth.

It is also important to note that this study assessed the prevalence of ADHD being diagnosed by healthcare professionals.  Due to variations in healthcare accessibility across the country, the true prevalence of ADHD may differ still.


Are you struggling to get the care you need to manage your ADHD? Support The ADHD Evidence Project and get this step-by-step guide to getting the treatment you deserve:

Qian Li, Yanmei Li, Juan Zheng, Xiaofang Yan, Jitian Huang, Yingxia Xu, Xia Zeng, Tianran Shen, Xiaohui Xing, Qingsong Chen, and Wenhan Yang, “Prevalence and trends of developmental disabilities among US children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 years, 2018–2021,” Scientific Reports (2023) 13: 17254,

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Update: New Research about ADHD in Adults

Update: New Research about ADHD in Adults

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that is typically diagnosed in childhood but can persist into adulthood. Its symptoms include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, and it can significantly affect daily life, academic achievement, and professional success. As scientific understanding of the condition continues to evolve, new research is revealing more insights into the prevalence, comorbidity, treatment, and physiological aspects of ADHD in adults. Here's a roundup of some recent findings:

Location of Mental Healthcare and ADHD Treatment Prevalence

A recent study assessing the prevalence of treatment for ADHD among US college students found that the location of mental health care significantly affects treatment outcomes. Specifically, students receiving mental healthcare on campus were less likely to receive any medication or therapy for ADHD, suggesting the need to evaluate the quality of mental health services available on college campuses and their effectiveness in treating ADHD.

 Oxidative Stress and l-Arginine/Nitric Oxide Pathway in ADHD 

Another study found a correlation between ADHD and the l-Arginine/Nitric oxide (Arg/NO) pathway, a physiological process linked to dopamine release and cardiovascular functioning. The study found that adults with ADHD who were not treated with methylphenidate (a common ADHD medication) showed variations in the Arg/NO pathway. This could have implications for monitoring potential cardiovascular side effects of ADHD medications, as well as for understanding the biochemical changes that occur in ADHD. 

Chronic Pain in ADHD

ADHD and chronic pain appear to be related, according to a comparative study of clinical and general population samples. Particularly in females with ADHD, the prevalence of chronic and multisite pain was found to be high. This calls for longitudinal studies to understand the complex sex differences of comorbid chronic pain and ADHD in adolescents and the potential impacts of stimulant use on pain.

ADHD and Violent Behavior

Finally, a study investigated the comorbidity of ADHD and bipolar disorder (BD) and its potential link to violent behavior. The research revealed a positive effect of ADHD symptoms on violence tendency and aggression scores. Moreover, male gender and young age were also found to have significant positive effects on violence and aggression scores, suggesting an association between these disorders and violent behavior.

June 3, 2024

New Zealand national birth cohort finds young adults with ADHD overrepresented at all stages of the criminal justice system

National Birth Cohort Finds Young Adults with ADHD Over-represented in Criminal Justice System

Using Statistics New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI), a large database of linked de-identified administrative and survey data about people and households, a local study team examined a three-year birth cohort (mid-1992 through mid-1995) totaling 149,076 persons.

The team assessed the presence of ADHD within this cohort through diagnosis codes and inference from medication dispensing, where there was at least one code relating to an ADHD diagnosis in the medication datasets. This subgroup consisted of 3,975 persons.

Next, they related this information to criminal justice system interactions of increasing severity, starting with police proceedings, and continuing with court charges, court convictions, and incarcerations. These interactions were tracked during an eight-year period from participants’ 17th birthday through their 25th birthday.

In this same period the team also tracked types of offenses: against people; against property; against organizations, government, and community; and violent offenses.

In all cases, the study team adjusted for gender, ethnicity, deprivation, and area of residence as potential confounders. 

With these adjustments, young adults with ADHD were over twice as likely as their typically developing peers to be proceeded against by police, to be charged with an offense, and to be convicted. They were almost five times as likely to be incarcerated. 

With the same adjustments, young adults with ADHD were over twice as likely as their typically developing peers to be convicted of offenses against organizations, government, and community. They were almost three times as likely to be convicted of crimes against persons, and over three and a half times more likely to be convicted of either violent offenses or offenses against property.

The authors noted, “The greater effect size for incarceration observed in our study may be due to the lack of control for comorbid conditions such as CD [conduct disorder], which are known criminogenic risk factors.” 

They also noted, “The sharp increase in the risk of incarceration observed may also signal differences in the NZ justice system’s approach to ADHD, which may be less responsive to the condition than other nations, particularly the steps in the justice system between conviction and sentence. This would suggest that the UNCRPD [United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities] obligations of equal recognition before the law and the elimination of discrimination on the basis of disability are not being met for individuals with ADHD in NZ.”

They concluded, “Our findings revealed that not only were individuals with ADHD overrepresented at all stages of the CJS [criminal justice system] and offense types examined, there was also a pattern of increasing risk for CJS interactions as these individuals moved through the system. These results highlight the importance of early identification and responsivity to ADHD within the CJS and suggest that the NZ justice system may require changes to both of these areas to ensure that young individuals with ADHD receive equitable access to, and treatment within, the CJS.”

New Estimates on Worldwide Prevalence of ADHD

Meta-analysis updates estimates of adult ADHD prevalence worldwide

An international team of researchers conducted a comprehensive search of the peer-reviewed literature to perform a meta-analysis, with three aims:

1) assess the global prevalence of adult ADHD

2) explore possible associated factors

3) estimate the 2020 global population of persons with adult ADHD.

In doing so, they distinguished between studies requiring childhood-onset of ADHD to validate adult ADHD (persistent adult ADHD) and studies that make no such requirement and examine ADHD symptoms in adults regardless of previous childhood diagnosis (symptomatic adult ADHD).

The search yielded forty articles covering thirty countries. Twenty reported prevalence data on symptomatic adult ADHD, 19 on persistent adult ADHD, and one on both. Thirty-five studies were published in the last decade (2010-2019). Thirty-one included both urban and rural populations. Thirty-five had a quality score of six or above (out of ten). Twenty-five had sample sizes greater than a thousand.

Because the prevalence of ADHD is age-dependent, and different countries vary widely in the age structure of their populations, the authors adjusted country results for their structures. This allowed for meaningful global estimates of the prevalence of adult ADHD.

Twenty studies covering a total of 107,282 participants reported the prevalence of persistent adult ADHD. The pooled prevalence was 4.6%. After adjustment for the global population structure, the pooled prevalence was 2.6%, equivalent to roughly 140 million cases globally.

Twenty-one studies covering 50,098 participants reported on the prevalence of symptomatic adult ADHD. The pooled prevalence was 8.8%. After adjustment for the global population structure, the pooled prevalence was 6.7%, equivalent to roughly 366 million cases globally.

For persistent adult ADHD, adjusted prevalence declined steeply from 5% among 18- to 24-year-olds to 0.8% among those 60 and older.

For symptomatic adult ADHD, adjusted prevalence declined less steeply from 9% among 18- to 24-year-olds to 4.5% among that 60 and older.

In each case, subgroup analyses found no significant differences based on sex, urban or rural setting, diagnostic tool, DSM version, or investigation period, although pooled prevalence estimates of persistent adult ADHD from 2010 onward were almost twice the previous pooled prevalence estimates. For symptomatic adult ADHD, however, differences between WHO (World Health Organization) regions were highly significant, although the outliers(Southeast Asia at 25% and Eastern Mediterranean at 16%) were based on small samples(304 and 748 respectively).

In both cases, between-study heterogeneity was very high (over 97%). The authors noted, "the age of interviewed participants in the included studies was not unified, ranging from young adults to the elderly. Given the fact that the prevalence of adult ADHD decreases with advancing age, as revealed in previous investigations and our meta-regression, it is not surprising to observe such a diversity in the reported prevalence, and the considerable heterogeneity across included studies could not be fully ruled out by a priori selected variables, including diagnostic tool, DSM version, sex, setting, investigation period, WHO region, and WB [World Bank] region. The effects of other potential correlates of adult ADHD, such as ethnicity, were not able to be addressed due to the lack of sufficient information."

In both cases, there was also evidence of publication bias. The authors stated, "we did not try to eliminate publication bias in our analyses, because we deemed that an observed prevalence of adult ADHD that substantially differed from previous estimates was likely to have been published."

January 30, 2022

Updated Analysis of ADHD Prevalence in The United States

The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is conducted annually by the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The NHIS is done primarily through face-to-face computer-assisted interviews in the homes of respondents. But telephone interviews are substituted on request, or where travel distances make in-home visits impractical.  

For each interviewed family, only one sample child is randomly selected by a computer program.  

The total number of households with a child or adolescent aged 3-17 for the years 2018 through 2021 was 26,422. 

Based on responses from family members, 9.5% of the children and adolescents randomly surveyed throughout the United States had ADHD.  

This proportion varied significantly based on age, rising from 1.5% for ages 3-5 to 9.6% for ages 6-11 and to 13.4% for ages 12-17. 

There was an almost two-to-one gap between the 12.4% prevalence among males and the 6.6% prevalence among females. 

There was significant variation by race/ethnicity. While rates among non-Hispanic whites (11.1%) and non-Hispanic blacks (10.5%) did not differ significantly, these two groups differed significantly from Hispanics (7.2%) and Others (6.6%). 

There were no significant variations in ADHD prevalence based on highest education level of family members. 

But family income had a significant relationship with ADHD prevalence, especially at lower incomes. For family incomes under the poverty line, the prevalence was 12.7%. That dropped to 10.3% for family incomes above the poverty level but less than twice that level. For all others it dropped further to about 8.5%. Although that might seem like poverty causes ADHD, we cannot draw that conclusion.  Other data indicate that adults with ADHD have lower incomes.  That would lead to more ADHD in kids from lower income families.

There was also significant geographic variation in reported prevalence rates. It was highest in the South, at 11.3%, then the Midwest at 10%, the Northeast at 9.1%, with a jump down to 6.9% in the West. 

Overall ADHD prevalence did not vary significantly by year over the four years covered by this study. 

Study Conclusion:

This study highlights a consistently high prevalence of developmental disabilities among U.S. children and adolescents, with notable increases in other developmental delays and co-occurring learning and intellectual disabilities from 2018 to 2021. While the overall prevalence remained stable, these findings emphasize the need for continued research into potential risk factors and targeted interventions to address developmental challenges in youth.

It is also important to note that this study assessed the prevalence of ADHD being diagnosed by healthcare professionals.  Due to variations in healthcare accessibility across the country, the true prevalence of ADHD may differ still.


Are you struggling to get the care you need to manage your ADHD? Support The ADHD Evidence Project and get this step-by-step guide to getting the treatment you deserve:

March 7, 2025

Study Finds ADHD Associated With Sleep Issues, but Reports Improvement with Medication

Large U.S. Cohort Study Finds ADHD Associated With Sleep Insufficiency and Bedtime Irregularity, but Reports Improvement with ADHD Medication


An international research team used the nationally representative 2020–2021 U.S. Survey of Children’s Health to explore associations between ADHD, weeknight sleep insufficiency, and bedtime irregularity. 

"Sleep sufficiency" refers to the recommended amount of sleep for an individual. Sleep recommendations vary by age and other factors, such as health and lifestyle. For example, 7-9 hours is typically considered sufficient sleep for most adults, but an active teen may require closer to 10 hours of sleep per day.

Previous studies have shown that issues with both falling and staying asleep are common in individuals with ADHD.

The Study:

The team matched 7,671 children and adolescents with ADHD aged 3-17 to 51,572 controls.  

Noting that “The few available population-based studies examining sleep in children with ADHD have focused on circumscribed age ranges, limiting generalizability across childhood, and have seldom included controls,” and “bedtime irregularity has received limited empirical attention in children with ADHD,” this study focused on these aspects of sleep impairment. 

The study group excluded children and adolescents with ADHD with Down syndrome, current or lifetime cerebral palsy, and current or lifetime intellectual disability. In the control group, it excluded individuals with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, speech and language disorder, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, anxiety, depression, behavioral or conduct problems, Tourette syndrome, and use of mental health services in the preceding 12 months. These groups were excluded to limit potential confounding factors.

After adjustment for covariates, parents of children and adolescents with ADHD reported weekday sleep insufficiency 65% more frequently than parents of controls.  

However, when comparing matched controls with children and adolescents with ADHD who were being treated with ADHD medication, there was no significant difference. 

Similarly, there was a small but significant effect size increase in bedtime irregularity among children and adolescents with ADHD relative to their matched controls. 

Yet there was also a small but significant effect size decrease in bedtime irregularity among those taking medication for ADHD relative to those who were unmedicated. 

The team noted, “Interestingly, here, ADHD medication use was linked to less bedtime irregularity across full and age-stratified samples, and not related to sleep insufficiency. However, research indicates the association between stimulant use and sleep problems is attenuated with longer duration of use, and also suggests the potential for stimulants to produce positive effects on sleep through reduced bedtime resistance. Further, ADHD medication type, not specified, may have influenced outcomes.” 

The Take-Away:

The study concluded that ADHD in children was linked to insufficient sleep and irregular bedtimes in a nationally representative sample, reinforcing and expanding previous research. The findings emphasize the influence of various factors on sleep insufficiency and bedtime irregularity, including race, screen time, poverty, ADHD severity, and depression.

February 28, 2025

Unmedicated Adult ADHD Linked to Dementia in Population Study


Noting that “the association between adult ADHD and dementia risk remains a topic of interest because of inconsistent results,” an Israeli study team tracked 109,218 members of a nonprofit Israeli health maintenance organization born between 1933 and 1952 who entered the cohort on January 1, 2003, without an ADHD or dementia diagnosis and were followed up to February 28, 2020. 

Israeli law forbids nonprofit HMOs from turning anyone away based on demographic factors,  health conditions, or medication needs, thereby limiting sample selection bias.  

The estimated prevalence of dementia in this HMO, as diagnosed by geriatricians, neurologists, or psychiatrists, is 6.6%. This closely matches estimates in Western Europe (6.9%) and the United States (6.5%). 


The team considered, and adjusted for, numerous covariates: age, sex, socioeconomic status, smoking, depression, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury, migraine, mild cognitive impairment, psychostimulants. 

With these adjustments, individuals diagnosed with ADHD were almost three times as likely to be subsequently diagnosed with dementia as those without ADHD. Men with ADHD were two and a half times more likely to be diagnosed with dementia, whereas women with ADHD were over three times more likely, than non-ADHD peers. 

More concerning still, persons with ADHD were 5.5 times more likely to be subsequently diagnosed with early onset dementia, as opposed to 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with late onset dementia. 

On the other hand, the team found no significant difference in rates of dementia between individuals with ADHD who were being treated with stimulant medications and individuals without ADHD. Those with untreated ADHD had three times the rate of dementia. The team nevertheless cautioned, “Due to the underdiagnosis of dementia as well as bidirectional misdiagnosis, this association requires further study before causal inference is plausible.” 

Conclusions and Relevance:

This study reinforces existing evidence that adult ADHD is associated with an increased risk of dementia. Notably, the increased risk was not observed in individuals receiving psychostimulant medication, however the mechanism behind this association is not clear.

These findings underscore the importance of reliable ADHD assessment and management in adulthood. They also highlight the need for further study into the link between stimulant medications and the decreased risk of dementia.



Struggling to get the care you need to manage your ADHD? Support The ADHD Evidence Project and get this step-by-step guide to getting the treatment you deserve:

February 25, 2025